Sacrifice For Eternal Love 6.0

Sacrifice For Eternal Love 6.0

Competition : Ira English Bloggers

Topic : Love and relationship (love story)

Series : Sacrifice For Eternal Love

Part no. : Sacrifice For Eternal Love #6.0

"Me and..?" With a puzzled look on her face, Lily spoke.

Michelle is there, too! Harry began to speak right away.

"Michelle who?"

"My wife!"As Harry said this, Lily became unsteady for a moment and exclaimed, "Come on, I\"m leaving!!""

"No Lily, please!!" stop!! After many years, I want to free my mind!!"

"But my heart can\"t hear it!! I can\"t stand seeing you with anyone other than me!!"

Lily stated that she was standing up. Harry took her hand in his and began to sit her down.

""I can\"t see you like this, Lily!!" Harry\"s eyes were watering.

Lily sat down, her gaze fixed on him.

Harry sat back in the chair in front of him as soon as Lily sat down and began to speak.

"You think I left your life without informing you!! But Lily, it\"s not like that!!"

"Don\"t get into this again, Harry!" Lily exclaimed.

"But listen, Lily!! Please pay attention once!! "

Lily had regained her composure. She was quiet as she listened to Harry.

"In college, we\"re so stupid that we don\"t know what\"s going on outside!!" It was just you and me! This was not another world!! But this was our biggest mistake. Then we realise we\"re in a different world. And something similar happened to me!! You know we had a picnic last year!!"

"Yes! How could I forget!! It\"s our last meeting!!" Lily said as she sipped her coffee.

"That\"s when Mom called!!" They told me to come right away.!! It\"s critical!! That\"s how I left.!! Without telling anyone!! And because I had no idea what had happened!!" Harry said this while sounding very vulnerable.

"You left without informing me!"

"But it was at the time!! I didn\"t speak to you because I didn\"t want to break my mother\"s promise! They warned me not to speak to anyone!! Come on! I took off for Sydney. Mother had vanished when I looked there! He called me before he left! They didn\"t tell me anything over the phone because I\"ll be worried until I arrive!! " Harry admitted, a little sheepishly. Lily was recovering him now after hearing his words.

"But why have you never seen me again? I actually learned about your mother from you today!!"

"Because my future had already been decided by my mother!! Michelle and I have decided to marry. Michelle is actually a relative of mine, and she was pregnant by her boyfriend, but he refused to marry at the time, and things were getting out of hand. Her life would be jeopardised if she aborted. Because of the stress, Michelle\"s father died of a heart attack. Mitchell also tried to commit suicide twice. Mom also took the plunge, but Michelle has no one but mom and me, so mom arranged for my marriage with Michelle, and as her final wish, I married her!! " Harry was now fully recovered.

Lily was now speaking freely to her.

Many angry bonds had now been severed.
“Indeed..!! I\"m sorry, Harry!!! I don\"t get you!! I\"ll blame you!! But because you left like that, I became enraged!! But even after that, you were never tried to meet again!!!"

"I didn\"t dare to come in front of you!!"

"There was rage directed at you!! But still love is not less!! " Lily said with a sweet smile.

For a brief moment, both were deafeningly quiet. And then Lily\"s phone rang. Lily took up the phone. And then he began to speak.

“Hello!! Yeah, Sarah!!"

"Hey Lily dear , where are you?! "I\"ve come to your house!!"

"I\"ll be there soon!!" "Stop! "

"Yes, come!!" "Until I stop!!"


Harry was looking at Lily, who was on the phone. "Where do you want to go?" Lily asked after hanging up the phone.

“Actually!! Sarah has returned!!!" Lily said as she slid into the chair.

"OK, then we\"ll meet again!!" Or don\"t do it!! Why don\"t you come to my house tomorrow? Michelle also wants meet you!! "

After hearing this, Lily fell silent for a moment. But it was Harry who spoke up.

"Come on!! Please!!"

Harry persuaded him for a long time before Lily said, "Ok sure come!! Definitely coming!!"

That made Harry happy.
“Okay!! I\"ll message you at your address!! See you tomorrow!! In the evening!! OK!!”


Lily turned to go, followed by Harry. A burden left Harry\"s thoughts, and he felt relief.

Lily was likewise rethinking things and had put her resentment of Harry behind her.

They both left with the agreement to speak tomorrow. Lily returned. Sara was waiting for her there, and Lily was joined by another person who was also waiting for her.

To be continued....

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